Wednesday 24 February 2010

Day 53 - photographing metal... trophy

I'm working through a book on lighting at the moment so this week you're getting some experiments in lighting difficult things.  First up, shiny metal.  This is an old fencing trophy...

This was lit using a small softbox close to the right and a large reflector to the left.  The softbox is close to make it a large light source, giving a soft shadow and bigger highlight, but this also gives a stronger fall off of light across the image.  The reflector reduces this and provides a matching highlight on the other side. Both are kept out of the family of angles that reflect in the flat central part of the trophy.  This was angled to reflect the unlit ceiling, making it dark grey and making the writing visible.

Things to work on... the highlight is still intrusive, so perhaps using a bounce card or similar instead of the direct softbox would help?  The shadow is still a problem, so the softbox really should move higher to minimise it.  I'd need to be careful to keep its reflection out of the main surface though.

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