Sunday 10 January 2010

Day 10

My youngest moggle, Anna.  She's very proud of finding her tasty toes and showing off her bendy limbs.

Strobist info: Vivitar 730AFC on low power with a shoot through umbrella directly behind.


  1. Aaaahhh - classic pose. I wish I were that bendy although I don't suppose my toes taste very good.

    A couple of points on the lighting - the back light I think is a touch too strong as you've got a hot spot top left which draws my eye. Bringing it down a touch may help. You've also got catch lights in Anna's eyes that to my thinking are too big and in the wrong place. A very low light at the front below the camera might fix that.

  2. she's gorgeous! This is one for your desk at work I think....

  3. Mike - I agree the catchlight isn't the best. I was thinking that I'd loose the lighting effect I wanted if I had another light in front, but I suppose I could get a bright catchlight with a low power bare flash without upsetting the balance too much. Not sure about the hotspot... That might be an issue with the compressed version on the web as it isn't in the original (or its histogram). Oh, and I'll take your word for it about the toes!

    Trish - it certainly is. I need to update those proud dad desk photos anyway!
