Tuesday 5 January 2010

Day 5

A snowy day in Leeds led me to risk life and limb in a slippery city centre for today's shot.


  1. This is cool. Great timing with the guy walking across especially as it looks like the statues (particularly the one on the left) are gazing down at him. The symmetry works well with the square crop. The shot could do with straightening up though - it looks like your .67 degrees off! In this case it is the camera that's not level - your verticals and horizontals are both off by the same amount which means the camera was in the centre of the shot and square - just not level.

    By the way, I think I've eaten in this Post Office - the food was very good if I remember correctly!

  2. Right on both fronts!

    I suppose that one drawback of committing to a photo every day is not spending enough time on the fine detail when I get busy. Hopefully the need for adjustment will get less as I improve... maybe!
