Thursday 21 January 2010

Day 20 - Huddersfield Station

I've never tried much night time photography, but this photo 365 is supposed to be about learning by trying new things.  I've always thought Huddersfield train station was an impressive building, but struggled to find an interesting photo of it.  This is certainly my best look at it so far...
This was 1.3s at f/5.6 with the Sigma lens wide at 10mm.  I'm fairly happy with the amount of motion  blur and contrast with the people standing still, but the station isn't perfectly straight, so perhaps this is one to try again.


  1. This is a winner. Reminds me of those photos of blurred commuters in Tokyo. You should try long exposure shots on the platforms with a train whizzing by. - James D

  2. Cheers James. I quite like the sound of a train light trail. I'll work on that one.
